IIAS-DARPG India Conference 2025The IIAS-DARPG India Conference 2025 was held in New Delhi from 10 to 14 February 2025. The event focused on the theme 'Next-Generation Administrative Reforms: Empowering Citizens and Reaching the Last Mile'. Dr Reuben Ng delivered a keynote address titled 'Integrating AI, BI, CI and DI for Last-Mile Implementation'. The conference was organised by the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) in collaboration with the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG).
UNSW Ageing Futures Institute Seminar Series: Understanding Ageism Through Historical and Contemporary LensesOrganised by the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute, this seminar explores innovative approaches to studying ageism, including methods for examining historical narratives of aging over the past 200 years, contemporary media portrayals of older adults and strategies to reframe perceptions of aging. The UNSW Ageing Futures Institute seminar series showcases innovative research by members and collaborators that examines and impacts ageing societies.
Scam Fighter of the Year Awards 2025Presented by the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA), the Scam Fighter of the Year Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions of individuals and organisations in the fight against scams. These awards recognise the dedication, innovation and impact of those working tirelessly to protect consumers and businesses worldwide. In 2025, Dr Reuben Ng was named runner-up in the Scam Fighting Individual of the Year category.
LKYSPP Foreseeable Podcast InterviewBy 2050, approximately 2.1 billion people will be aged 65 and above, making it crucial to challenge the negativity surrounding ageing. Research shows that positive perceptions of ageing can lead to longer and healthier lives. In this episode of the Foreseeable Podcast by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), Dr Reuben Ng discusses the ongoing longevity revolution, paying special attention to how AI and art can be leveraged to reframe ageing. The Foreseeable Podcast invites LKYSPP faculty, policy experts and practitioners to share insights into future trends and policies.
Ageing, Art and the Impact of AI: A Benefactors' Exclusive MasterclassOn 20 September 2024, the Lee Kuan School of Public Policy hosted an exclusive masterclass titled 'The Longevity Revolution: Ageing, Art, and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence' for the school's esteemed benefactors. This private event featured a presentation by Dr Reuben Ng, an award-winning behavioural and data scientist, who shared the fascinating story of how he developed AI tools to analyse centuries of historical texts to explore narratives on ageing. He also demonstrated how these complex insights could be brought to life through art, inspiring guests to share their own perspectives and engage in a lively discussion.
First from Asia to win the Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and PracticeDr Reuben Ng is the first recipient from Asia to win the prestigious Harkness Fellowship since its inception in 1925. Envisioned as a 'reverse Rhodes Scholarship' for top mid-careers, the Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice is a premier leadership programme for policymakers and innovators from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and now, Singapore.
Dr Ng remarked, "Ageism is a global health crisis where older adults are viewed as a burden rather than a resource. My Harkness Fellowship seeks creative strategies and policy solutions to envision a world where older adults are a productive resource to tap on, rather than a burden to be managed. Interacting with experts and top policy thinkers in the US has energised me to seek global policy solutions as the world is rapidly ageing toward 2 billion seniors by 2050." |
GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting: Age Stereotypes in Nursery RhymesDr Reuben Ng presented his study, 'Age Stereotypes in Nursery Rhymes', at the GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting. To gain insight into the ways in which children are being socialised to view old age, Dr Reuben Ng examined depictions of old age in 34 nursery rhymes. Half of these rhymes contained negative age stereotypes. The remaining rhymes featured about an equal mix of positive and neutral age stereotypes. Findings from this study set the stage for telling children accurate and nuanced stories about older adults to inculcate healthy attitudes towards aging.
GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting: Historical Narratives, Contemporary Portrayals and Strategies to Reframe AgingAs the 2023 recipient of the Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Foundation Award in Behavioral and Social Gerontology, Dr Reuben Ng was invited to deliver a lecture at the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024. His lecture, 'Historical Narratives, Contemporary Portrayals, and Strategies to Reframe Aging', explored the evolution of societal attitudes towards aging and proposed innovative approaches to challenge negative age stereotypes.
GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting: Nomadic GerontologyAt the GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Dr Reuben Ng presented his study, 'Nomadic Gerontology: Aging as a Nomad in Mongolia'. This study illuminated the lived experiences of older nomads in Mongolia, particularly amid a changing social, political, economic and environmental set-up. Three themes surfaced through interviews with 30 nomads: ‘Navigating Health Challenges Arising from Aging Bodies and Climate Change’, ‘Desire to Preserve a Disappearing Heritage’ and ‘Experiencing Neglect and Discrimination’. These insights lay the groundwork for the development of interventions that are sensitive to the unique needs of older nomads.
UNDP's Anti-Scam Handbook v1.0Digital scams pose a serious and growing threat globally, especially to vulnerable communities and developing countries. They represent a multifaceted "wicked problem" that necessitates a collective response. The Anti-Scam Handbook v1.0, launched in October 2024, is the result of efforts by UNDP and its coalition of experts from various sectors at both global and national levels. Dr Reuben Ng contributed to the development of this handbook, which was unveiled at the Global Anti-Scam Summit Asia 2024.
Global Anti-Scam Summit Asia 2024: ShieldUp! A Gamified Approach to Making Users More Resilient to ScamsAt the Global Anti-Scam Summit Asia 2024, Joc Cing Tay, Vice President of Engineering at Gogolook, Abhishek Roy, Staff UX Researcher from Trust & Safety Research at Google and Dr Reuben Ng, Assistant Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, participated in a panel discussion titled 'Shieldup! Gamified Approach to Making Users More Resilient to Scams'. They explored innovative anti-scam trends and the potential of gamification to enhance digital security.
Global Anti-Scam Summit Asia 2024: Panel Discussion on Impersonation ScamsAs part of the Global Anti-Scam Summit Asia 2024, Dr Reuben Ng joined an esteemed panel to discuss impersonation scams, with Shze Min Yah, Unmesh Joshi, Jeffery Chin, Royston Soon and Tracy Hall. The session explored key aspects of cybercrime, including the motivations behind cybercriminals, the psychological toll on victims, the importance of legislation centered on victim support, and the need for global partnerships to enhance awareness and support for those affected by cybercrime.
LKYSPP Faculty Among Top 2% of the World's Scientists in 2024Eight faculty members from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), including Dr Reuben Ng, have been ranked among the top 2% of all scientists in the world, according to a 2024 assessment undertaken by researchers who compared faculty based on citation metrics. The study, published by Elsevier BV, was led by John Ioannidis at Stanford University and his team, who analysed data from Scopus to generate the worldwide rankings of scientists.
2024 Nikkei Asia ScholarshipEstablished by Nikkei (Nihon Keizai Shimbun) Inc. and the Japan Centre for Economic Research in 2006, the Nikkei Asia Scholarship invites promising researchers from China, India and ASEAN countries to conduct research in Japan. Dr Reuben Ng won the 2024 Nikkei Asia Scholarship.
CATOS Online Trust and Safety Forum 2024Organised by the Centre for Advanced Technologies in Online Safety (CATOS), the Online Trust and Safety (OTS) Forum united thought leaders and professionals from around the globe. The forum provided a platform for exchanging insights on the latest developments and trends in policy, education and technology aimed at creating a safer Internet for all. It was designed to allow interaction among speakers, facilitators and participants from academia, industry, public sector agencies and non-governmental organisations.
NUS Impact Report 2023By 2026, Singapore is poised to join the ranks of super-aged societies like Japan and Germany. As the population ages, it is imperative to bring together policymakers and community partners to understand the needs of older adults and their caregivers, as well as to address the gaps between policy formulation and implementation. Such collaborative efforts will lay the foundation for cultivating an age-friendly environment.
The Role of Business Process Reengineering in Digital Transformation: A Focus on E-Business PlatformMongolia is in the process of modernising its internal business environments to align them with global standards. On 30 April 2024, the outcomes of a project on business reengineering and digital transformation were presented at a meeting attended by business executives and policy analysts. This project is a collaboration between Mongolia's Ministry of Digital Development and Communications (MDDC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Health in Aging Foundation New Investigator Award 2024Dr Reuben Ng won the Health in Aging Foundation New Investigator Award in 2024. This award is presented to individuals whose original research, as evidenced by a submitted abstract for an American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Scientific Meeting, reflects new and relevant insights in geriatrics. It recognises individuals committed to a career in aging-related research. The Health in Aging Foundation is a national non-profit established in 1999 by the AGS.
Top Cited Article 2022–2023, Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyOne of Dr Reuben Ng's studies ranked among the top ten most-cited articles published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023. The study, titled 'Reframing aging during COVID-19: Familial role-based framing of older adults linked to decreased ageism', proposes a role-centric approach to framing older adults to ensure their contributions are acknowledged and valued by society.
Brown University's cHeSS Seminar Series: Decoding the Narratives of AgingOn 28 March 2024, Dr Reuben Ng kicked off the Brown University School of Public Health's Center for Health System Sustainability (CHeSS) seminar series. He discussed innovative methods for analysing historical narratives on aging, contemporary portrayals of older adults and strategies to reframe aging.
AARP Talk: Historical Narratives on Aging over 200 Years using Innovative AI TechniquesAgeism refers to the discrimination against older adults based on their age. Recognising its pernicious impact, the World Health Organisation initiated a global campaign in 2016 to combat the issue. On 26 March 2024, Dr Reuben Ng spoke about this topic at the AARP in Washington, DC. His talk focused on innovative methods for analysing how older adults have been portrayed throughout history and how they are depicted in the media today. He also discussed strategies to reframe aging in a more positive light.
CNA's Resilience Quest: Nation Under SiegeResilience Quest is a programme by Channel NewsAsia which aims to provoke passionate discussion about Singapore's future resilience. In this show, teams journey to dystopian futures to confront a range of worst-case scenarios for their city-state Singapore. They then return to the present to champion strategies to enhance Singapore’s resilience and preparation against future calamity. As competing teams engage in a battle of wits arguing why their way is best, their performances will be scored by a panel of experts.
a2 National Symposium: Empowering Innovation in AI/Tech + AgingOn 19 and 20 March 2024, the a2 Collective held its second national symposium, hosted by PennAITech, on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. This 2-day conference involved multiple stakeholders and perspectives including industry, academic and clinical sites to explore opportunities and challenges in the funding, design, implementation, evaluation and commercialization of AI and other technologies for healthy aging.
Google's APAC Online Safety Dialogue: Combatting Fraud & ScamsBad actors are constantly and rapidly evolving in their wide range of techniques, making the fight against fraud and scams an increasing challenge, especially in the APAC region. Held on 13 March 2024, Google's Asia-Pacific Online Safety Dialogue focused on the need for online platforms to prioritize user safety.
Mongol TV InterviewIn an episode of Black Box, a program broadcast on Mongol TV, Dr Reuben Ng delved into Singapore's developmental trajectory and future directions in terms of policy and innovation. Black Box explores the implications of technological advancements for individuals, communities and society as a whole.
ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute Webinar: Demographic Transitions in Southeast AsiaWith Southeast Asia aging rapidly, countries in the region must reframe the way they think about aging. ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute organized a webinar featuring Professor Thanh-Long Giang and Dr Reuben Ng. The speakers drew on experiences from Vietnam and Singapore, sharing about how ready countries in the region are, the changing contexts in which aging is unfolding, and how aging can be reframed. The 75-minute webinar was attended by an audience composed of research scholars, students, policymakers, and the general public.
BBC World Service Podcast InterviewMany employers still base decisions on a person's age despite strong pressures in higher income countries to retain older staff. What exactly is fueling this ageist bias? Dr Reuben Ng offered his insights in an episode of BBC Business Daily.
BBC Business Daily is a show about the daily drama of money and work. |
Senior Board Director Accreditation by the Singapore Institute of DirectorsIn January 2024, Dr Reuben Ng was accredited as a Senior Board Director by the Singapore Institute of Directors (SID)—a hallmark of unwavering commitment to excellence in corporate governance. Reserved exclusively for seasoned directors boasting five or more years of cumulative qualified directorship experience, this accreditation showcases mastery across core governance domains, a dedication to ethical stewardship, and strategic leadership prowess.
2023 LKYSPP Research Honours ListDr Reuben Ng was featured on the 2023 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Honours List for two achievements. First, he was the most productive among LKYSPP faculty and researchers with 16 journal articles in 2022 to 2023, where 10 were published in the top 10% journals, and all 16 were published in top 25% journals based on the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator. Second, he secured the highest SJR of 6.694 (2022) among LKYSPP faculty and researchers by publishing an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The Research Honours List recognises faculty members, senior research fellows and research fellows for their outstanding research. |
Bloomberg TV InterviewIn an episode on Bloomberg TV Mongolia, Dr Reuben Ng emphasised the need for companies to prioritize sustainable development. Whether big or small, all companies operate in a world of finite resources. Focusing on sustainable development not only benefits the environment, but also allows companies to build long-term resilience and competitive advantage.
Knowledge Sharing Session on Sustainability and DataIn December 2023, the Business Council of Mongolia held a Knowledge Sharing Session on the topic 'Sustainability and Data: Insights from Projects with Fortune 100 Companies'. Led by Dr Reuben Ng, the session explored the transformative integration of sustainability with data. Attendees got to draw insights from projects involving Fortune 100 companies, gaining practical knowledge of strategies to reduce environmental impact and foster positive social change.
Building an Age-Inclusive Healthcare System in SingaporeAmong the trends that will profoundly shape the future of healthcare in Singapore is the rapid ageing of the population. While the country is ahead of the curve in terms of preparations for an ageing population, efforts should also be directed at harnessing its benefits through large systemic shifts. Featured in ETHOS, a publication of the Civil Service College, this commentary outlines four strategies to cultivate a more age-inclusive healthcare model.
Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Foundation Award in Behavioral and Social GerontologyIn 2023, Dr Reuben Ng won the Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Foundation Award in Behavioral and Social Gerontology. This award acknowledges outstanding early career contributions in behavioral and social gerontology. It is given by the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in conjunction with the Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Foundation.
LKYSPP Faculty Among Top 2% of the World's Scientists in 2023Six faculty members from LKYSPP were ranked among the top 2% of all scientists in the world, according to a 2023 assessment which compared faculty based on citation metrics. Published by Elsevier BV, this study was led by researchers from Stanford University who analysed data from Scopus to generate the worldwide rankings of scientists. The study covers more than 6 million researchers across 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields.
Innovative Research on Aging Awards 2023Dr Reuben Ng's study, which explored how older adults use TikTok to engage in discourses on old age, earned him the bronze prize at the Mather Institute's 2023 Innovative Research on Aging Awards. Award recipients are selected based on relevance to important problems, quality of research methods, usability of findings and recommendations, and ability to contribute to innovation in senior living.
The Rise of Older Influencers: Their Impact, Potential and FutureThe rise of older influencers throws up some interesting questions regarding their place in the digital sphere. Exactly what kind of "influence" can these older influencers have on society? Do they currently hold any influence? Who consumes their content? What are the possible ramifications of their presence on social media? Where do they fit in the influencer ecosystem, especially as compared to their younger, more seasoned counterparts? What lies in store for them in the future? Read more in this commentary featured in Generations Today, a bimonthly publication by the American Society on Aging (ASA).
Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and PracticeDr Reuben Ng was named a Harkness Fellow for the 2023–24 program. He holds the distinction of being the first from both Singapore and Asia to be awarded this fellowship. First offered in 1925, the Harkness Fellowships are the Commonwealth Fund's longest-running program. Nearly 100 years later, they remain a flagship of the Fund's International Health Policy and Practice Innovations program. Today, the Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice provide a unique leadership development experience for midcareer professionals from around the world.
Mental Health: Shaping Community Outreach & Policy InitiativesMental health concerns have reached critical proportions in Singapore. In light of this, several important questions come to the fore: In what ways can community initiatives play a role in shaping mental health policymaking in Singapore? What key findings have emerged from the Policy Watch and Public Consultation conducted by the community initiative SG Mental Health Matters? Why is it important to have community development and mutual aid as alternative logics to the dominant logic of service provision by the non-profit sector? Learn more in this Asia Thinker Series session organized by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
CNA's Getting Real About Trust: Do Singapore's Youth Trust Their Society and Institutions?Fears of rising income inequality, declining social mobility, increasing political polarization and rapidly intensifying climate change have created a generation of youth who feel like they might not achieve their dreams. Getting Real About Trust is a documentary by Channel NewsAsia which examines levels of trust among the country’s youth in their society.
The Straits Times InterviewAt least 54 people became victims of scams while attempting to secure tickets for Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour in Singapore. In total, these people lost over $45,000. In an interview with Hairianto Diman from The Straits Times, Dr Reuben Ng explained why concert-goers are vulnerable to such scams.
Mansfield College Welcomes Dr Reuben Ng as the First Principal's Visiting FellowWith the support of Schmidt Futures, Mansfield College was able to collaborate with the International Strategy Forum (ISF) to provide an ISF Fellow with the opportunity to further a globally important project at the world-leading University of Oxford. This opportunity unfolds within the supportive and multi-disciplinary community of an Oxford college for a one-year period as the Principal's Visiting Fellow. ISF Fellow Dr Reuben Ng was appointed Principal's Visiting Fellow in 2022 after a competitive application process open to all ISF Fellows. The selection was made collaboratively by ISF and the Principal of Mansfield College Helen Mountfield KC.
The Gerontologist Podcast InterviewIn an episode of The Gerontologist Podcast, Dr Howard Degenholtz interviewed Dr Reuben Ng about two papers which looked at ageism on TikTok: 'Not Too Old for TikTok: How Older Adults Are Reframing Aging' and 'Hostility Toward Baby Boomers on TikTok'. Taken together, these two papers shed light on fascinating sub-cultures of the virtual world.
The Gerontologist Podcast is part of the GSA on Aging Podcast Series. |
Interview with the AlumNUSEfforts to build a consensus around the ethics of technology are gaining momentum. In an interview with the AlumNUS, Dr Reuben Ng cautioned against treating ethical considerations as an afterthought. Such an approach can hamper the development of ethically sound tech products.
Dr Reuben Ng Wins Two International Awards for Research on AgingDr Reuben Ng won two international awards for innovative research in aging and public policy. He won the prestigious 2022 Mather Innovative Research on Aging Award, making history as the first in Singapore and Asia to win this award since it was introduced in 2015. Dr Ng was also named a 2023 Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science. He was the only Singaporean to be honored in 2023 among other rising stars from Harvard, Stanford and Yale. He was also the first from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy to win this accolade since the award was first presented over a decade ago.
2023 APS Rising StarDr Reuben Ng was named a 2023 APS Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science. The APS Rising Star designation is presented to outstanding APS members in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD. Drawing its name from an Observer editorial series that featured exemplars of the exciting work being done by the field's newest researchers, this designation recognises researchers whose innovative work has already advanced the field and signals great potential for their continued contributions.
LKYSPP Faculty Among Top 2% of the World's Scientists in 2022Seven LKYSPP faculty were ranked in the top 2% of all scientists in the world. The assessment, undertaken by researchers at Stanford University, compared faculty on field weighted citations. Five faculty members at varying points of their career trajectory were recognised among the top 2% of scientists for citations in 2022: Eduardo Araral, Vu Minh Khuong, Ramesh M, Reuben Ng and Araz Taeihagh.
"These accolades are a testimony to the fertile multi-disciplinary ecosystem that works. I am especially grateful to the talented group of research associates, PhD students, and the Research Support Unit that make all these possible. What an incredible privilege to be part of the Lee Kuan Yew School community," noted Assistant Professor Reuben Ng who also serves as the Lead Scientist for Data & Technology at the Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk, NUS. |
CNA938's Singapore Today InterviewOn CNA938's Singapore Today with Lance Alexander and Melanie Oliveiro, Dr Reuben Ng gave his two cents' worth on why digital natives are more susceptible to scams than older persons despite being more tech-savvy. To avoid being scammed, he suggested giving oneself a waiting period before making any decisions, authenticating the legitimacy of organizations, and consulting a trusted friend or family member as a sounding board.
Bringing Together Policy Makers and Policy Implementers to Co-Create Solutions for Successful AgingWith Singapore fast reaching superaged status, the Lloyd's Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) organised a health innovation workshop that brought together policy makers and policy implementers to address issues faced by older persons and caregivers. Held from 13 to 15 July 2022, the workshop provided attendees with a toolkit of techniques and frameworks—design thinking, behavioural insights, data analytics—which enabled them to co-create solutions for Singapore's ageing population.
LKYSPP Festival of Ideas 2022: Digital Inclusion and Resilience for Tomorrow’s GenerationIn partnership with UOB, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) conducted a survey to understand Singaporeans' attitudes and behaviours regarding banking inclusivity and digital resilience. Findings from this survey were launched at the LKYSPP's Festival of Ideas 2022. In a session moderated by Dr Reuben Ng, Principal Investigator of the project, panellists and audience members discussed the research findings and their implications for Singapore and the general public.
SHBC 2022: Reinventing HealthcareThe National Healthcare Group held its annual Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC) on the 12 and 13 October 2022. The 2-day congress brought together both local and international experts to deliberate on topics related to the theme 'Reinventing Healthcare'. Speaking on the topic ‘Technology Innovation and Big Data Approach in Aged Care’, Dr Reuben Ng addressed how blending data science, technological innovation and value care will stand Singapore's healthcare system in good stead as it navigates an aging population.
Meeting with Mongolia's Minister of Digital Development and CommunicationsIn October 2022, Dr Reuben Ng met with Mr Uchral Nyam-Osor, the Minister of Mongolia’s newly established Ministry of Digital Development and Communications. During this meeting, they considered how Singapore and Mongolia can deepen their collaboration in the area of digital transformation particularly amid Mongolia's quest to become a digital nation.
IC-AITC2: Sustainable Development From Research To Innovation After PandemicHeld on 26 September 2022, the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information Technology And Communication (IC-AITC2) was organized by Goodwood Conferences as well as the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Universitas Multi Data Palembang. Centered around the theme 'Sustainable Development From Research To Innovation After Pandemic’, the conference aimed to increase the scientific capacity of academics in Indonesia.
Nobel Prize Dialogue: The Future We Want TogetherThe Nobel Prize Dialogue Singapore featured a series of frank conversations exploring the best path to a world with improved well-being for all. It brought together a unique constellation of Nobel Prize laureates, scientists, policymakers and thought leaders to discuss wide-ranging global issues. Along with fellow panellists Wharton Chan, Serge Haroche, Stuart Russell, Aqsa Shafique and Bill Tai, Reuben Ng shared insights into how well-being can be maximized in the area of digital technology.
Innovative Research on Aging Awards 2022Dr Reuben Ng's study comparing age-based and role-based framing over 210 years won the bronze award at the Mather Institute's 2022 Innovative Research on Aging Awards. Created to inspire next practices, the annual award recognizes applied research that offers important implications for the senior living and aging services industries.
NUS IPUR Inks Partnership to Support Public Service Transformation in MongoliaThe Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mongolia's Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs to support public service transformation in Mongolia. The MoU was inked on 8 July 2022 on the sidelines of a visit by Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai to NUS. Led by Dr Reuben Ng, the joint partnership will see IPUR and Mongolia’s Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs co-create data-centric policies and optimize human capital in the public service of Mongolia.
Schmidt Futures Announces First Cohort of International Strategy Forum Asia FellowsSchmidt Futures, in collaboration with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, announced the inaugural class of Asia Fellows as part of the International Strategy Forum (ISF) in May 2022. The ISF aims to forge an interdisciplinary network of rising leaders to strengthen progress and security amid technological innovation and a changing world order. Representing 10 countries across the Asia-Pacific, the ISF 2022 Asia Fellows are a diverse cohort of business professionals, technologists, security experts, government leaders, academics and more.
Data Innovation Lab: Supporting Government Transformation in MongoliaIn Mongolia, the need for data literacy and data innovation was identified through government transformation programmes. Data from the 2019 World Risk Poll also showed that the country ranked the highest for the gap between current risk experience and how worried they are about future risks. With these motivations, the LRF Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk teamed up with the National Academy of Governance of Mongolia to co-create programmes on data literacy and risk communication.
Woomentum and KAS Japan Webinar: Path to Digitalization for WSMEsOn 14 December 2021, Woomentum and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Japan celebrated the publication of volume two of 'Path to Success: How Women-Owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization'. This publication featured case studies from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore. It was launched at a webinar moderated by Ms Rabea Brauer, joined by panellists Mr Kwang Kim, Ms Nguyen Thi Le Quyen and Dr Reuben Ng.
When Can We Travel Again?The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way people travel. With more people getting vaccinated and measures loosening up, will we get to return to our pre-COVID travel habits or will there be changes?
Understanding Public Perceptions of Fall Risk and Bone HealthThe prevalence of disability in Singapore is expected to grow by 5 times in the next 40 years. However, igniting conversations around falls and prevention programmes has always been a challenge. People tend to assume that falls are either inevitable or unpreventable. In Asia, discourse on bone health treatments is often over-medicalised. Dr Reuben Ng embarked on a study to understand public perceptions of fall risks and to learn how programmes could be designed to focus on preventing fall-related bone disease.
CNA938's Health Matters InterviewOn CNA938's Health Matters with Daniel Martin, Dr Reuben Ng highlighted the importance of providing better support for caregivers in light of Singapore's rapidly aging population. Despite their invaluable contributions, caregivers receive barely any media coverage. Dr Ng's study discovered that in 2019, cars were mentioned 66 more times than caregivers in the news. Even bubble tea enjoyed more coverage than caregivers.
Caregivers Play a Role in Preventing the First FractureAs part of Amgen's Our Unbreakable Bond campaign, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Amgen Biotechnology Singapore collaborated on a study to explore perceptions of bone health, serious falls and caregiving. Findings from the study underscored the need for more societal conversations on caregiving as well as greater support for caregivers.
Risk Experience and PerceptionDr Reuben Ng discovered significant gaps between individual perceptions of risk and societal narratives on risks presented in the media. Insights from our study highlighted the importance of policy communications and explained why framing climate change as a risk could spark change.
LKYSPP 16th Anniversary: Insights from Singapore's Policy LandscapeAnnuity values, housing insecurity and age at childbearing: what do these issues have in common? In the first of four webinar episodes celebrating the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy's 16th Anniversary, four faculty members shared some of their recent empirical findings that have implications on policy and household decision-making in Singapore, as well as the challenges of translating research into policy. The panel discussion covered the blind spots in policymaking and difficulties in policy communications, particularly concerning unpopular or overlooked topics.
ESSEC Biz-Gov Forum 2019: Technology and EthicsThe ESSEC Biz-Gov Forum 2019 was an exclusive forum for policymakers, businesses and academics to discuss how to address new challenges faced by companies, government regulators and civil society regarding the conduct of business amid global political change.
Innovative Approaches to Measure Risk PerceptionThere are several limitations to using traditional methods to assess societal perceptions. At the Lloyd's Register Foundation International Conference 2019, Dr Reuben Ng offered his take on how new and innovative approaches to studying societal perceptions can complement traditional methods.
68th United Nations Civil Society Conference: Building Inclusive Communities Through EducationThe Sustainable Development Goals call for equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education. Rapid technological changes present many opportunities, but the learning environment, the capacities of teachers and the quality of education in many parts of the world have not kept pace. New models in higher education are emerging as lawmakers and educational professionals seek to address declining enrolment numbers, lack of diversity, skyrocketing tuition costs and knowledge gaps in today’s rapidly evolving global workforce.
Cyber Resilience: Beyond Security, Towards a Smart NationThe concept of Cyber Resilience does not only apply to businesses, but also to all of us living in a world where technology is playing an increasingly important role. At the 'Cyber Resilience: Beyond Security, Towards a Smart Nation', an event organised by SPECTRUM Global, a few experts shared their thoughts on the importance of data, privacy and policies.
Risk Talk: Batik Data SculptureEffective communication of scientific findings to the general public is vital in the field of public health. It improves understanding of health risks to enable the public to make informed decisions to mitigate risk. Dr Reuben Ng designed a batik art installation illustrating the evolution of risk-related topics in the media over 200 years.
InnovFest Unbound 2018: Open Innovation in Healthcare CollaborationOpen innovations have enabled many actors to collaborate in the healthcare industry. Corporates, practitioners and academics are working more closely with each other to solve problems from the simplest to the most complex. This panel brought experts from the health technology ecosystem to discuss and share case studies on the acceleration of fresh ideas into commercialisation through collaboration.
OTC Institute Labour Research Conference 2017Conducted on 23 November 2017, the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTCi) Labour Research Conference was a key event in the Labour Movement’s calendar. The conference showcased findings from research projects of key concerns to the Labour Movement, in extensive collaboration with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) on Changing Skills and Jobs, Singapore Management University (SMU) on Retirement Adequacy and National University of Singapore (NUS) on Underemployment. Union leaders were also invited to share how they had been working with companies to prepare workers for the future.